2023 年 4 月子自考 英语(二)阅读选择真题

发布日期:2024-06-26 编辑整理:山东自考网 【字体: 】  【加入自考交流群】

阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项(ABCD)中选出 1 个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该 项涂黑。

Public Wi-Fi Users Neglect Safety A recent survey shows that 25% of Intermnet users have done online banking through public Wi-Fi in the last three months.It also shows that 27% have bought a product or service with a credit card this way. Experts worry that hackers (黑客) will take advantage of these practices.Doug Shadel said that hackers usually attack in two ways.They may create Wi-Fi hotspots that have the same name of the ones you trust, such as a hotel or a coffee shop.They may also provide a stronger Wi-Fi signal to get between you and the safe hotspot.In either case, the hackers can see your email, credit card information, user names and passwords. Sometimes hackers just set up their elecronic traps near a business where people enjoy the free Wi-Fi."In most cases they are afer your personal information," Shadel said."If you use the same user name and password for many accounts, they can get into them all.It's possible for any hacker to do it.The software to hack into a Wi-Fi network is available at lttle or no cost." It's difficult for people to know if a Wi-Fi network is safe," Shadel said.So you should just think they are not.Any shared Internet access, free or paid, arries the same level of risk.It is safe only when you or someone you trust directly controls it." Shadel sometimes checks email through public Wi-Fi.But he never does any banking that way.In an unfamiliar place, he uses a Virtual Private Network (VPN).This service creates a passage between your device and a safe place on the Internet," he said. 11.A recent survey finds that 25% of Internet users use public Wi-Fi to A.do banking B.buy things C.provide service D.play cards 12.The phrase “take advantage of” (Para.2) can best be replaced by " " A.adjust to B.benefit from C.lead to D.result from 13.According to Shadel, any hacker can A.create different passwords B.open an electronic account C.steal people's information D.write software for businesses 14.For the sake of safety, Intermet users are advised to A.test shared Internet access B.rely on paid Internet access C.look for free Internet access D.avoid shared Internet access 15.Shadel uses public Wi-Fi to A.leam about VPN B.deal with his emails C.keep his account safe D.handle financial matters


本文标签:山东自考 自考答疑 2023 年 4 月子自考 英语(二)阅读选择真题





